Articles by David Fowler

Aspire Demo for BUILD 2024

This demo shows building a custom resource, using local azure provisioning for service bus and deployment to azure. Additionally, the demo features a sample SMTP server and testing sending email using the MailDev container

What is Dev Time Orchestration in .NET Aspire?

.NET Aspire provides APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for creating distributed applications made up of multiple resources. It simplifies management by abstracting service discovery, environment variables, and container configurations, ensuring consistent setups across apps.

EventGrid Webhooks using .NET Aspire

The code in this repository shows publish and subscribe to events using event grid in .NET Aspire. The code is made up of 2 applications, EventGridDemo.Publisher and EventGridDemo.Api. The publisher application publishes events to the event grid topic, and the API application listens for events from the event grid topic.

WaitingForDependencies in .NET Aspire

This examples shows how to extend the .NET Aspire application model to enable waiting for dependencies to be available before starting the application. It uses ASP.NET Core's health checks API to determine if specific resources are available after they are considered running.